Sunday, April 12, 2009

Green Thumb

It all started when I came home from work one day and there was a tomato plant on my doorstep. Yes, a tomato plant. Apparently the nice realtor that left that tomato plant did not know my track record. 1. I grew up with a backyard surrounded by wildlife that ate every living plant imaginable. I never had a chance to even SEE tomatoes grow! 2. I own a dog that ate plants when she was a puppy. 3. I have never successfully kept a living plant alive (on my own) my entire life.

Despite my three strikes, I love the thought of having a green thumb. So I decided to give it a shot. Who knows?! Maybe I'll surprise everyone by inheriting this coveted trait from my grandma who I swear could grow a tomato garden on concrete just by looking at the plant. (Yea...She's that good). There was only one small hiccup. The lack of a backyard. So instead I came home with the ingenious Topsy Turvy tomato plant grower. That's right folks, we are the proud owners of a Topsy Turvy thanks to my green thumb grandma.

Having never purchased potting soil in my life, what should have been a 5 minute trip to OSH, turned into more of a 20 minute trip because... I was so inspired! To add to my vegetable green thumb, I'm attempting two types of flowers! Don't bother asking me what they are...I'm focusing on keeping them alive. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some say animal cruelty – we say ninja dog in training.

We take pride in challenging and training our canine companion to achieve new heights in the fine art of jujitsu or as we refer to it – judogsu.  Please do not try to emulate the maneuvers shown – only pristine accuracy and years of practice will allow a performance such as this.  (Personal Disclaimer: The camera was subject to uncontrollable laughter.  Watch at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for jostled eyes or heads while watching.)